Thursday, November 15, 2012

Recreate the Kardashian look!

Tell me who on earth tak envy Kim K? Most of us out there is dying to be her right! Perfect hair, sexy look and perfect body.But nevermind...Not everyone is born perfect.We must learn to bersyukur with what we have. At least kita ni born sepurna and tak cacat like some people.
Well...back to Kardashian's topic, today I would like talk about the "kardashian look". I'm so into the "look" lately. I don't know why but I rasa stylo sangat.Skinny jeans or jegging,sleeveless top,blazer, accessories and boots.

Where to shop for the look? Not to worry.. all you need is a pair of skinny jeans or jegging , top and Blazer. I bought one animal print blazer recently from a plus size blog and is damn awesome! Suka sangat and the price is very reasonable! Ye la kan..all these animal print ni seasonal and you will not wear it all year round.So don't spend so much unless you don't mind.
For all the readers out there... here's another info for you. Dorothy Perkins pun just launched the Kardashian Collections this is a great opportunity for you guys to the the outfits from there.As we all know, DP carry up to size UK 22 and they also ship to Malaysia.So apa tuggu lagi??

Happy Deepavali and Salam Maal Hijrah

I hope it is not to late for me to wish my Hindhu friends Happy Diwali. May your life be filled with lights of hapiness. As for my muslim friends, selamat menyambut Maal Hijrah. May this year be a better year for all of us!