Friday, November 16, 2012

Happy weekend and here's some reading material for you

Well weekend is just around the corner and its school holidays.For those yang on long weekend ni..apa kata take the opportunity to pamper yourself.Go for a  spa or you can also buat DIY spa at home. I'm planning to do "lulur" this weekend. My soulmate Amaal gave me a packet of sweet..Thanks Amaal!
BTW to cut it short here is some reading material for you guys. I suka read this magazine online and I selalu get ideas from there. The latest issue pun dah keluar. Happy reading peeps!

This is my soulmate Amaal

Where to shop for plus size outfits?

I know....I know this is the biggest dilemma for the plus size people out there.The choices are limited and sometimes it can cost you a bomb! Faham sangat! Well to share with you guys...honestly I pun scratch my head bila nak shopping baju. Dah berkenan dengan the design size tak de pulak..haih..pening kepala!

What I usually do is.. I don't wait for occasion to shop..If I jumpa something that I like..size ada...Ongkos $$ ada.. I will grab it and go.Make sure you buy benda yang necessity dulu. Example your jeans dah buruk or faded and you think you need a new one...then buy.Rearrange your wardrobe from time to time. Analyse baju apa yang you takde or color apa yang you takde. The next time when you go for shopping ..Make sure you beli apa yang you perlu sahaja.

Another thing is, we need to make sure we take a good care of our baju. Baju ni macam investement to yourself.. kene jaga elok elok. I usually avoid washing my baju using washing machine. I prefer handwash and kene rajin sikit la.What do you aspect?Bukan senang nak beli kene jaga la.

I usually shop at Debenhems Starhill. I like it there because there's variety and I only shop during Sale! Bila time tak sale tu...duduk rumah diam diam..Bila sale baru I beli. Imagine,the price can go down up to 70% during sale and I will only target the sale rack.Baru baru ni I bought a pair of pencil skirt for less than RM45. The material is really good and tebal. Ok la from RM 200 plus bole turun sampai less than RM45. I call it good bargain!

Another place I shop is Mark and Spencer. I love to buy my bra and panties from Mark and Spenser. Good quality and nice cutting for me.

I used to shop from Ms Read but I don't know la the design mcm aunty aunty skit la lately.I think kalo i dah berumur skit I will shop sana la..hehhe.

Dorothy perkins is also another destination for me. But sometime, susah nak dapat size 20 to 22.Yes they now ship to Malaysia but a bit mahal la on shipping from RM 50 per piece rasanya.

Lately, I'm also into online shopping. Best jugak but you will need to gamble la since you cant try and see the material. But so far ok la. I have tried Jesebella Steal Plus and Trendy Confession and so far they are both reliable 