Monday, December 3, 2012

What to wear to a wedding?

Last Saturday I attended a wedding reception at Tropicana Golf Club. Congratulation to the newly wed bride and groom Charlene and Kuhan. I suka their reception..very cozy and filled with friendly crowd.

This time around I dressed a little formal. Wedding kan mesti la formal...Especially if the event is held at 5 star hotel.Never ever ever put on jeans to a wedding! Tak kisah la if the wedding buat kat rumah ke ke..This is formal event and we should respect the host @ tuan rumah.I pernah tengok this couple datang wedding pakai jeans and spagetthi strap and slippers.Hello?? Takde adat ke? Dah la pergi malay wedding. Kalo ye pun nak drop wedding gift.. wait until the event over or meet up another day.. isshhhhh..

Ok.. back to my outfit. Since this is an Indian wedding, I decided to put on my sleeveless dress from Debenhems. I love this dress so much because its slightly flair and I love the cutting. This dress is  a high waist cut and there's a black belt to match with it. I glam kan  this dress with pearls and  black velvet shawl.Ni image Audrey Hepburn la konon...hehhhehe.

I like to wear my dress with shawl.. It will help to cover my big arms and kalau the banquet hall tu sejuk... I can always use it for covers.

Most of the plus size girls malu nak pakai sleeveless because of our big arms.
Hmmm...Well it is all up to you. Kalo tak confident with yourself.. then dont!
Don't ever do things because nak ikut orang.You have to be comfortable with yourself 1st or else you will feel restless through out the function.

Take one step at the time...kalau dress tu sleeveless, pair it with a cardi or shawl. But don't cover too much! The more you will look bigger. Cari dress yang v shape on the neck ... trust me. you will look smaller.